In order to lose weight, you must understand how your body fat weight plays a part in your life. To calculate whether you have a healthy body, you must factor in your basic information (sex, height, and weight), activity level, body fat weight, calories and waist to hip ratio.
A persons body is comprised of different components to make up fat weight. There are lean tissues and fat tissues. In terms of body fat , the fat tissues are not metabolically active as your organs, bones and muscles are. To measure your fat, scales are not always reliable. Scales can't determine your fat ratio of your body , nor distinguish between muscle and fat. However, there are a few methods used to accurately measure fat weight:
1. BMI (Body Mass Index) - BMI is a scientific measurement used to determine whether you are underweight, normal, overweight or obese. It's your fat weight guide using your height and weight. The formula takes your weight in kilograms divided by your height in meters squared. If you search for a BMI calculator online, you will be able to find a handy chart to calculate this for you. Once you have calculated your BMI, now you know the range that is best for your body . The only way to lower your BMI is to grow taller or lose weight. For adults, the latter is our only option. In addition, two people can have the same BMI, but different fat weight percentages. A weight lifter with low fat and large muscles can have the mass as someone who has more fat.
2. Underwater Weighing - Underwater weighing, or hydrostatic weighing, is another method to determine your body fat . In this procedure, a person sits in a specialized seat, expels all of the air from their lungs, and is then submerged into a large steel tank of water to remain motionless while their underwater weight is recorded. This is repeated until a dependable weight is measured. The purpose is to measure density of the body and calculate your fat weight. Since lean tissue is denser than fat tissue, this method will determine the buoyancy of a person while underwater. Once considered the gold standard of fat measurement, the equipment is quite costly, making other methods more attractive body mass index.
3. Skinfold Thickness Measurements - One of the simplest methods to measure fat weight is the skin fold thickness measurement. A tool called a skinfold caliper is used to pinch the skin, gathering a double layer to measure the underlying tissue. The caliper reads two measurements - cm and mm, with the mean of the two taken. This fat weight measurement can be used on different anatomical areas of the body.
Recommended fat weights vary by sex and age. What's most important to know is that body fat can be dangerous to your health if not monitored. When you get on your scale and see that number flashing back at you, you cannot distinguish between the fat weight and pounds from muscle. Reducing your body weight can result in higher metabolism, better strength and less chances of injury. If none of the methods above help you measure your body fat weight, consider measuring your waist. The number from measuring your waist determines your health risk. As a general rule, the waist size of a man should not exceed 40"; no more than 35" for a woman.
You can also take a look in the mirror. Pear-shaped bodies are less vulnerable to disease, unlike apple-shaped bodies. The difference in risk stems from the placement of excess fat. Men tend to be more apple-shaped and store fat around their middle, while women typically store fat on their lower half (thighs, butt, pelvis).
Unfortunately, genetics also plays a factor in body fat weight and the location of stored fat. Lack of exercise also plays a large role. A sedentary lifestyle will significantly increase your fat and will ultimately lead to disease and illness. Not only is fat unsightly and unhealthy, but where it's stored is harmful.
If you have decided to get fit for the new year, fantastic! Just know where you stand with your body in order to lengthen your life. To change your weight, eat the right balance of calories, exercise and consult your physician.